MOUNTAIN AREA — Love to cook and want to boost your immune system?
Hosted by Yosemite Home Companion, a new health and wellness workshop series debuts this Sunday at Fresno Flats Historic Park and Village on School Road in Oakhurst. Yosemite Foothill Foodie invites the community to make Magic Mineral Broth with Becca Zollinger of the Kern Family Farm.
The free event takes place on Sunday, Feb. 23 from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

This workshop will walk through the process of making nourishing “magic mineral broth” that can be used as the base for any soup or water-based dish this winter and spring.
This month’s chef, Rebecca Zollinger, MS is a midwife, herbalist, and organic farmer who will highlight the nutritional and medicinal aspects of ingredients used in the broth. She developed and teaches a two-year graduate program in botanical medicine at Bastyr University, and founded a community-based herbal program on her organic medicinal herb farm in Washington State.
Magic Mineral Broth is a vegetarian broth made from culinary and medicinal herbs and nutrient-packed vegetables. This broth provides a strong background of nutrients and health supporting compounds that help the body prevent illness, heal from injuries and recover from stress-related dysfunction.
Participants will become familiar with how to integrate common vegetables as well as shitake and reishi mushrooms, rosemary, astragalus, ginger and calendula into their soups for optimum wellness this season and beyond.
Rebecca recently moved to the Kern Family Farm after becoming engaged to Aaron Kern. The Kern Family Farm is an 80-acre farm near North Fork that utilizes agroecology and permaculture methodologies to not only produce nutrient-dense food but to improve the health of the land, the air, the water, and the community for current and future generations.
The Kern Family also owns and operates North Fork’s only organic grocery store, The Gnarly Carrot, providing nutritious organic produce sourced from Kern Farm as well as other local organic farms.
Come join with your friends and neighbors to learn from Becca as she creates this amazing broth start to finish, become familiar with the herbs and vegetables used in the recipe and leave with handouts rich in information for you to use at home.
Fresno Flats Historic Village is located at 49777 School Road in Oakhurst, CA. 93644